Friday 1 August 2014



-  Combines of a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks,thinks,acts and feels.
-  Predictable relationship are expected between people's personalities and their behaviours.

Major determinants of personality

• Biological factors
   -     Heredity 
   -     Brain
   -     Biofeedback
   -     Physical features
• Cultural Factors
• Family Factors
• Social Factors
• Situational Factors

Psychoanalytic Theory

•  Id
   -    Functions on 'pleasure principle'
   -    Immediate gratification of need to reduce tension & discomfort regardless of consequences
• Superego
   -    Functions on 'idealistic principle'
   -    Our moral guide / conscience
   -    Influenced by internalizing our parent's value & the voice of society
   -    Works against the Id by inflicting guilt

• Ego
   -     Functions on 'reality principle'
   -     Serves to balance the demand the Id and the Superego
   -     Assesses what is realistically possible in satisfying the Id and/or Superego
   -     Ego uses defense mechanisms to protect itself

Personality Trait
•  Trait are define as "a distinguishing quality or characteristic of personality"  In other word this means that personality traits are the distinguishing quality of characteristic that makes "you".
•  Personality traits are the unique set of characteristics and quality that only you possess.
•  While  a lot of peoples might have similar personality traits,each person combines these trait in a different way to create one unique, irreplaceable conglomerations of traits that make up their individual personality.