Friday 1 August 2014



-  Combines of a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks,thinks,acts and feels.
-  Predictable relationship are expected between people's personalities and their behaviours.

Major determinants of personality

• Biological factors
   -     Heredity 
   -     Brain
   -     Biofeedback
   -     Physical features
• Cultural Factors
• Family Factors
• Social Factors
• Situational Factors

Psychoanalytic Theory

•  Id
   -    Functions on 'pleasure principle'
   -    Immediate gratification of need to reduce tension & discomfort regardless of consequences
• Superego
   -    Functions on 'idealistic principle'
   -    Our moral guide / conscience
   -    Influenced by internalizing our parent's value & the voice of society
   -    Works against the Id by inflicting guilt

• Ego
   -     Functions on 'reality principle'
   -     Serves to balance the demand the Id and the Superego
   -     Assesses what is realistically possible in satisfying the Id and/or Superego
   -     Ego uses defense mechanisms to protect itself

Personality Trait
•  Trait are define as "a distinguishing quality or characteristic of personality"  In other word this means that personality traits are the distinguishing quality of characteristic that makes "you".
•  Personality traits are the unique set of characteristics and quality that only you possess.
•  While  a lot of peoples might have similar personality traits,each person combines these trait in a different way to create one unique, irreplaceable conglomerations of traits that make up their individual personality.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Asian Development Bank agreed to provide US $ 191.2 million to Nepal

Development Effectiveness 
ADB has agreed to provide assistance of US $ 191.2 million to the Government of Nepal

         The Asian Development Bank has agreed to provide an assistance of US $ 191.2 million 
         (equivalent to NRs 18.16 billion) to the Government of Nepal for the implementation of South
         Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Power System Expansion Project. Of the total
         assistance LJS $ 180 million is loan and US $ 11.20 million is grant (strategic Climate fund).
         The Loan Agreement and Grant Agreement regarding the implementation of the project were
         signed between the Government of Nepal and the Asian Development Bank in the Ministry of
         Finance, today.
        The main objective of the project is to increase the power transmission capacity and improve
        power distribution network in the country. The project also aims at increasing mini grid based
        renewable energy systems in off-grid areas and to improve the management capacity of Nepal
        Electricity Authority and Alternative Energy Promotion Centre. Under the power transmission
        capacity development component an approximately 45 kilometers of 400 kv and 192
        kilometers of 220 kv transmission lines along Kali Gandaki Corridor and Marsyangdi
        -Kathmandu route will be constructed. Likewise, grid substations will be constructed,
        augmented and replaced in various parts of the country.
        The SASEC Power System Expansion project is expected to be completed by 31 December
        2021. The total cost of the Project is US $ 440 million. Of the total cost the Norwegian Grant
        assistance is US $ 60 million and European Investment Bank loan is 120 US $ million.
        Government and beneficiary community has to contribute US $ 68.8 million for the project.
        The renewable energy portion of the SASEC Power System Expansion project will be
        implemented by Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and the components of power
        transmission and distribution network improvement activities are to be carried by Nepal
        Electricity Authority (NEA).
        The Loan and Grant Agreements were signed by Mr. Yuba Raj Bhusal, Secretary, Ministry of
        Finance and Mr. Kenichi YOKOYAMA, Country Director, the Asian Development Bank on
        behalf of the Government of Nepal and the Asian Development Bank, respectively.
        The Government of Nepal has expressed its sincere appreciation to the Asian Development
        Bank for this assistance and also for its continued support in the socio-economic development
        of Nepal.

                                                                                                                                                                  By Satish Rauniyar.